Week 41 - Abundance

My time in Costa Rica has come to an end and a big new chapter is beginning for me! It's beyond bittersweet. There were a lot of tears on my last day in Costa Rica. But also a lot of anticipation for new beginnings! We’re moving into a house (YAY!) and starting our life with Nacho. I’ve lived in a condo since I was 18 so moving to a house is VERY exciting.

But an even bigger transition has happened for me mentally and spiritually as I’ve been in Costa Rica.

This time around the lesson that Costa Rica taught me is to live in abundance. This country is the definition of abundance. Literally they have coined their own way of life called ‘Pure Vida’ which means ‘pure life’. To them it’s an expression of happiness, optimism, and living life to the fullest. To slow down and stress less.

Like how OPPOSITE is that to North America?? And although I was here for 2 months not too long ago, it’s only this time that I really could see how unabundantly I have actually been living. Well, at least in some aspects. It a lot of ways I have already adopted an abundant mindset - I have a a lot of trust in myself and the universe and things will always work out. BUT there’s a limit that I unconsciously put on myself.

Perfect example, I was hanging out with my friend Molly (yes the one from Linkedin) and even the fact that I get to say that is crazy abundant! Molly and I met online (like actually, on Linkedin) last July and we hit it off and without even trying become fast friends. So much so that when I told her she should come to Costa Rica and we can hang out…she did!! So must trust. But anyway, her and I were walking on the beach and she was telling me about a coach friend of hers who made 100k in year 1 and 1.8M in year 2. And my reaction was of complete and utter shock and disbelief. Like HOW!

But that reaction later hit me….why do I think that is so impossible? Why was I shocked to hear those numbers and growth? It’s clear that there is still a belief in me that says that I couldn’t do that. That I’m not capable/knowledgable/daring enough/etc. So if I believe those things….then yea, it’s definitely NOT possible.

And it was a beautiful example of where I’m still holding on to a scarcity mindset. Thinking that I’m not good enough to have that kind of “success”. And when I say success I don't just mean financial because truthfully I’m not doing what I do to make a ton of money. BUT money is a means to do some pretty amazing stuff in the world. And so making it serves a higher purpose, not just about buying myself stuff I don’t really need.

So I’ve been sitting with 'what the hell does abundance even mean' for the last little while. And questioning what would it mean to BE abundance. And as I walked in nature alone in silence,  asking myself these very question, it hit me….Abundance is peace in every moment - being completely in the here and now and not wanting it to be any different than what it is. Trusting that whatever is present is exactly what is needed for you. Even if it’s hard! Hard is fine…hard teaches us…hard is a gift. And boring is a gift. And easy is a gift. It’s all FOR us. It’s all meant to open us up to ourselves and the stuff we try not to look at or acknowledge so that we can stay safe, and in control. Not being in control or having control is one of the scariest things, I get that. But it’s only scary because you don’t believe or trust that you can handle the scary thing. That it will break you somehow. But it won't. It'll crack you right open! And show you to your true self, the one hiding underneath the ego, control, self doubt and fear. All that gunk keeping us disconnected and seeking approval, validation, acceptance, safety and love from external sources only. When all along it's been within us but we've been too afraid and distracted to see it.

So this is your invitation to check in on your mindset and your beliefs.

Where are you living in scarcity mindset?

Where are you already in abundance?

And what does being abundance mean TO YOU?

I gave you what came to me but that's my personal understanding, yours can be different. It needs to be your words. It needs to come from within.

Have an ABUNDANT week. I'm off to puppy sit and unpack my life.


Week 42 - I’m coming out…


Week 40 - Ownership