Week 51 - Permission

Dude. I turned a BIG corner this past week.

In all honesty, I had been struggling a lot since coming home with Nacho from Costa Rica.

Something I keep learning about myself is that I have this like superwoman complex: I think I can do IT ALL with zero affects to productivity and results. And what’s worse is that my output results have not suffered at all since being home with Nacho, they have only increased, which kept me further down the hole of thinking I can do it all with no consequences!

But there were consequences. On myself. I’ve been struggling emotionally, mentally, physically, you name it. My knees, my hip and my elbows hurt constantly. I’m always feeling like I never have time for myself and what I love doing. I get to the end of the day and I’m exhausted. I haven’t been focused on making friends in the new city I live in. I’ve been so unable to focus on my actual work. And I was blaming ALL of this on poor Nacho.

Let me explain. I have a foolish belief that I can do it all and if something is getting in the way of that, I blame that thing, not me. Ha. Cute. 🥴

So poor Nacho was the target of my dissatisfaction with how I wasn’t able to keep all the spinning plates spinning. I have to wakeup early, I have to take him out A LOT because he’s a puppy and we don’t have a fenced in yard, which distracts me and makes it impossible to focus or get anything done, I have to trade off with my boyfriend between who can watch him between calls, etc etc. I have to. I have to. I have to. Very important language choice.

So last week my boyfriend and I went out for a drink on the lake and I finally just let out all the things that were frustrating me. And most of it was about needing to find ways to get more time back in the day - so get a cleaning lady, meal prep, find a doggy day care, etc.

And he just looked at me and said “OR…you could just stop working so much. You’re really good at working but that’s all you’re really good at at the moment. And it’s not making you happy. So why not work less?”

Me:  🤔…

I literally HAD NOT even considered that as an option. I was trying to find all these other ways to solve “the problem” but I was solving the wrong problem.

It’s just hilarious to me how I do this to myself. Wether it was in the corporate world and trying to get ahead and be the best, or now in my own business where I literally have no-one and nothing to compare myself to, AND YET I still think I’m in a race that I’m falling behind in.

But there is no race! And there is certainly no medal if you do get to the “finish line”, whatever line you or the world decided to create.

What’s actually at that finish line is you not even liking yourself or your life anymore. It’s a tale as old as time and I still fell into the trap!

So I took a hard look at my calendar and decided on how I’m going to work less for the next month, maybe more!

That sounds so flippant and easy to do but the mental gymnastics I went through to even CONSIDER slowing down was intense.

Then over the weekend, I had a beautiful chat with a new friend and we funnily enough were in the exact same situation just different circumstances. And what we processed together is this: we are not giving ourselves permission.

For me, it was about giving myself permission to just be a puppy mom for a little while. Instead, I denied that role, and put pressure on myself to be a better business owner than a better puppy mom.

The minute I mentally gave myself permission to step away from my business and step into being a puppy mom, guys I SWEAR Nacho could feel it. He has literally been a compete angel this past week, so much more calm and loving and cuddly. He knew I gave myself permission 🥺

So here’s what I’m giving myself permission to do:

  • Take time off from my business

  • Enjoy the rest of the summer

  • Be Nacho’s mom

  • Take care of my body (ie make appts I have been putting off and listening to what I need more)

  • Not guilt myself for any of this!!

The last one is the most important. Today was day 1 and I have zero calls today. I went on a walk and at certain points I found myself hurrying up. TO GO WHERE??? My mind was telling me I need to get back to do some work. It’s wild the conditioning of our minds.

So I leave you with this to take action on this week:

Where are you not giving yourself permission in your life? What will it take to change that?

That said, I’m taking a little break BUT Coach Cym is still taking on 1-2 more clients!

If you’re an SDR/BDR/AE and are feeling stuck, lost and in there grips of imposter syndrome, then book an exploratory call to see if there’s a fit to work with Cym!

Have a abundant week y’all

Where you can find me for the next little while: 


Week 53


Week 50 - The Do Not Do List