Week 50 - The Do Not Do List
Last week I posted on Linkedin about how I keep a 'Do Not Do list and it was quite the hit. Several people asked what’s on my list so I thought I would share mine with y’all in hopes of inspiring others to create a list for themselves.
But first, what’s the point of a Do Not Do List?
Well for starters, who doesn’t have a To Do list, am I right? A never ending list of things to keep us busy. I don’t deny the value of a To Do list, I make one from time to time. But it stands to take a pause and realize that all we’re ever telling ourselves is DO MORE. I don’t know about you but everyone I know is exhausted from doing too much and feeling like there is only more to do. The hamster wheel.
The challenge is it feels so damn good to get stuff done! To cross something off the To Do list…it’s like an aphrodisiac.
So I got this idea to focus on what I do want to allow in my life. And the kicker is that when I honour it, I still get that same ‘cross off the list’ dopamine hit.
So thus the Do Not Do list was born.
Here’s what’s on mine:
Do Not:
Sacrifice sleep
Say yes when I really mean No
Not communicate how I really feel
Change my appearance to fit in
Judge myself for what I eat
Judge myself If I didn’t fit a workout in
Constantly keep myself busy filling all available free time
Let other people’s opinions and judgements influence my decisions
Compromise my boundaries to accommodate others (ie no meetings on Fridays…ever!)
These are the guidelines that keep me focused on honouring myself. As a recovering people pleaser and hyper achiever, I want to make others comfortable at my own expense and I want to be the best and achieve the most also at my own expense. So my list is about staying true to myself and not letting my self-sabotage get the best of me.
And let me tell ya, being able to reflect on my day and be able to “cross” things off this list is exactly the dopamine hit I want.
We have enough external pressure telling us who we should be. This list keeps me in integrity with myself. Keeps me living on my own terms. Makes me feeling more free :)
So my dear friends, I’d love to hear what’s on your Do Not Do List?
Shoot my a message on LinkedIn and please share!