Week 29 - Love

Happy day after Valentine’s Day! I’m not a big Valentines person but I really do feel a ton of love lately and it’s just the best feeling in the world.

Yesterday I was brought to tears of joy by my clients. So many of them felt compelled to share with me deeply personal experiences and insights that they have gained from our coaching and it just hit me how freaking lucky I am to do this work and get to part of people’s stories. Seeing my clients get unstuck and out of their own way and seeing how quickly they can transform is the greatest work I have ever done and probably will ever do. I couldn’t be full of more love for them and this life I’ve created 💜

Speaking of…Valentine’s Day this year has a different meaning. Instead of it being about a romantic relationship, this year it’s about how I LOVE my life and how god damn grateful I am that I even get to say that.

I remember many years ago having anxiety about V day - thinking about if anyone is going to care about me, is the guy ‘du jour’ going to send me flowers (because if he doesn’t I’m going to feel really shitty about myself) and a slew of other insecurities. And this year could not have looked farther from that.

I honestly didn’t even consider Valentine’s Day this year (I mean other than the fact that I made a reso for dinner, baked cookies and we’re taking a sculpting class like the movie Ghost this week😉). But what I mean is I had no stress about it whatsoever. And when I reflect on that it really hits me how all the work I’ve been doing since I started working with a coach myself 8 years ago has compounded into me being so self-assured and confident in who I am. And because of that I have a wonderful romantic relationship where I feel love every day and I have incredible clients who show up for themselves and invest in their own growth and transformation with me and that brings me so much joy.

AND to boot, I get to wake up to living on the beach 😍 It’s just SO wild how your life can change so quickly once you finally decide to go for what you really want. I think we all convince ourselves that things take a long time to come to fruition and sure sometimes time is exactly what we need to let things manifest BUT action is what makes it come alive. And what I’ve seen time and time again is that the ACTION of investing in yourself through coach is a massive catalyst for change. And I am HERE for that.

The greatest gift you can ever give yourself is the gift of knowing truly who you are. Doing the work to turn the murky muddy waters in your head crystal clear is priceless. And so this year, being a coach full-time and doing that work with my clients….it’s the greatest gift all around! To me, to them, to the important people in their lives. It’s the gift that keeps on giving let me tell ya!

I leave with you this to ponder today:

“What one step could you immediately take that would make the biggest difference in your current situation?”

We’re always one step away from a completely different life.

Have a fantastic Tuesday! Excited to speak with one of you today….so curious to see who it is!

And on btw….I launched my new website! Which I also LOVE. haha there’s a theme here…🤔


Week 30 - Says who??


Week 28 - Beliefs & Manifestation