Week 47 - Assumptions
Adjusting back to regular life this week after Italy and being back with Nacho puppy again. This week almost felt like the first week when I got him all over again. It's been hard to swallow the lack of any time you have when you have a puppy. Someone PLEASE tell me it gets easier….it must right??
But this week 2 quite small encounters really stuck out to me for the exact same reason: we all make a ton of assumptions without even knowing it's keeping us stuck.
Encounter #1:
The 1st encounter was a DM convo on LinkedIn with a new follower. He told me how what he want to do and what he enjoys doing are conflicting. He wants to make money and afford a nice lifestyle and so he’s in sales, but what he enjoys doing is coaching, and in particular junior runners.
So I asked him what the problem is. And he proceeded to tell me that coaching isn’t lucrative.
To which I responded: “Do you know that for certain?”
And that was the moment where he realized actually not really, it’s just what I’ve been told and what I’m assuming.
He then proceeded to tell me that the hourly rates aren’t high, and there are maybe some certifications involved.
All of which sounded like a lot of half information and assumptions. Assumptions that were keeping him stuck and in his comfort zone, despite how actually unenjoyable it was (sales). Because here's the thing: we weren’t built to be happy, we were built to be comfortable.
That little back and forth hit him, so much so that he posted about it the next day and realized that he was the factor getting in his own way - not the coaching rates, or the certifications. Just him.
Encounter #2
On a walk with Nacho I decided to pop into a convenience store to indulge in an ice cream bar. When I was walking in, the woman sitting outside got up and greeted me which I thought was a bit strange so I asked her “Do you own this place?” To which she said, “No no, I wish. But I just work here”
As I was deciding what ice cream bar to buy she told me that it’s so odd I asked her if she owned the store because I’m the 6th person to ask her that in the past 2 weeks. So I said, well maybe that’s a sign. She then told me that she would LOVE to own the store. But she didn’t think the owner was selling it or wanted to.
To which I asked “Do you know that for certain?”
And that was the moment she realized actually not really, it’s just what I’ve been telling myself and assumed.
So I asked her will she ask the owner if he’s willing to sell the store. And she said she would. And I saw her energy change, and her excitement rise. It was the moment she realized that she could make things happen for herself. She wasn’t stuck.
That whole experience lasted all of 2 minutes but honestly it’s those moments that make me love what I do and makes me so grateful for the strengths that I have harnessed as a coach.
My whole mission is to help people get out of their own way and into the life they really want.
And it’s happening! In these little moments and with my clients. One client is exploring working with F1 (her absolute dream). Another is finally exploring the non-profit space after years of wanting to. Another one is already a real estate mogul because of our coaching and now wants to give back and help women invest intelligently in real estate.
🔥 This kind of stuff fires me UP! 🔥
So my inquiry for you this week:
What assumption am I making about not being able to live the way I want?
And whatever you answer, then ask yourself:
And do I know that for certain?