Week 37 - Idea to Reality
Where to begin...I took a week off last week and attended a Women's Retreat in Costa Rica. I have stories upon stories to tell but I'll distill today down to one learning.
So 6 months ago I embarked on my first solo travel in my life. I booked a flight to Costa Rica without ever having been there and without knowing anyone there. And I planned to stay for 2 months. It was a bold move but I was ready.
On my 2nd day in Costa Rica I struck up a conversation with a women staying at the same hostel as me. Within minutes I knew I wanted to be around her: she sold everything she owned in Vancouver and moved to Costa Rica based on intuition. As we spent more time together, she told me that what she really wants to do is to create a Women's Retreat in Costa Rica. I asked her if she had ever created one before and she said no. And my response was, "well you will now!" And she was a bit shocked. She wasn't as sure as I was. She had lots of doubts and fears and quite literally did not know how to create a retreat that people would pay money to attend.
We've been friends now since that 2nd day in Costa Rica and this past week I attended her Women's Retreat. She did it! 🙌 She created something from nothing. And not only something, but literally a truly magical week that turned 9 strangers into deeply connected sisters.
Over the last 6 months I was my friends cheerleader and confidant. Allowing her to express her fears and also strategizing how to move through fear into intentional action.
And getting to witness what she created showed me how we really are capable of whatever we desire when we are surrounded by people that believe in us, encourage us, and let us be totally fallible and still love us.
I learned so much from my friend and witnessing the process she went through to make an idea into reality. It's more confirmation of how the company you keep is either expanding you or keeping you stuck.
I know we all have our own dreams right now that we aren't living. And we aren't living them because we're getting stuck in the how and the detail and we don't have the support we need.
So my challenge for you this week is...
What is your dream? And WHO can you tell about it that can help you make it real?