Week 27 - Our Thoughts

This week I want to talk about ✨our thoughts✨

You see the great thing about being a human is we have an extraordinary ability to create anything from our thoughts. The problem with being a human is we have an extraordinary ability to create anything from our thoughts.

Our thoughts are so powerful. They can be used to create extraordinary inventions (Steve Jobs and the iPhone). And they can also be used to bring us to complete despair (Robin Williams ending his own life).

Our thoughts create a feeling, that feeling creates an emotion that shows up in our body, which compels us to act, and those actions become our behaviours.

Usually when people talk about what they want to change about their lives, they usually tell you about the behaviour. So for example: I want to be fit. Being fit is a set of behaviours - going for walks, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, working out, etc. Those are all behaviours.

But if you take a look at the equation above, the behaviour is the output of our thoughts. So why aren’t we focused on changing our thoughts instead of our behaviours? Wouldn’t that be more effective?

The problem is that we don’t think that we have any control over our thoughts. We feel like they come and they go and some of them come a lot and we have no power to stop them or not believe them.


That is the big secret.

You are not your thoughts.

You have thoughts. AND you also observe your thoughts.

My advice:  practice being an observer. You can start to notice what are your thoughts actually telling you and you can use your discernment to decide whether you want to believe them or not. Once you have practiced being the observer, you can then start to try on being the creator - having agency over your thoughts. Creating thoughts that serve your highest self. That empower you. That make you feel limitless.

Ok but like not to the point of delusion, of course. But think about it, it’s just as delusional to tell yourself ‘I’m not enough’ all day every day. Why are we all just OK with feeling that way all the time? So it’s not that crazy to swing the other way and tell yourself that ‘I am enough!’ every day.

So let me give you a taste of what I mean. Give me 30 more seconds of your time.

Read the next 2 paragraphs and then PAUSE, close your eyes and do the exercise in your mind.

In your minds eye, imagine yourself on a beach. What do you see, hear, feel? See and feel it now for a few seconds.

Now in your minds eye, on that same beach, imagine taking your non-dominant arm and writing the letter ‘A’ in the sand but with your elbow. You can probably feel the sand on your elbow. You can probably see and feel yourself crouched down in a somewhat awkward position. You can see that right?

Have you ever written an ‘A’ in the sand with your elbow before? I’m guessing not. AND YET, you could still vividly imagine it in your mind.

Which means that we can imagine ANYTHING we want. We do not have to keep replaying the same old ‘I’m not enough’ tapes in our mind. We can play a new tape.

Please actually do this in your mind, don’t just read this and move on. It’s SUCH a powerful experience. One that can change the way you think about everything.

I’ll leave it at that for this week. I’ll be talking about this more and more. It’s literally the work that I do with clients every day because their imposter syndrome thoughts are ruling their lives. And after working with me, their imposter syndrome thoughts are so few and far between and their thoughts are actually empowering them and supporting them in creating amazing lives. Like moving to new countries, buying multiple properties, getting their dream job, starting a side hustle and much more.

Until next week! 🙌


Week 28 - Beliefs & Manifestation


Week 26 - Prioritizing You