Week 25 - Boundaries
I’ve spent the last month with either my family or my boyfriend's family. And I’ve learned a lot.
I have a hard time defining and sticking to certain boundaries.
I love spending time alone. It revitalizes me. It reconnects me with myself. It brings so much insight. It’s transformative for me. [Hi, I’m an introvert]
When I’m with others, I tend to go along with what the crowds wants - reverting back to childhood tendencies of not wanting to be a burden or disruptive (relatable right?). But now as an adult, that sucks the life out of me.
The ONE thing that I have managed to create a boundary around is working out. My family knows that I workout daily and so I’m able to maintain that habit when I’m with them.
But everything else - reading, writing, podcasts, journaling, meditation, catching up with friends - all falls to the way side. And I see the effects on myself and my business immediately. Everything starts to devolve. My content doesn’t flow easily. I skip a week of my newsletter (I know some of you noticed…sorry!), I start rescheduling important calls, I mess up timing of other calls, I stop getting leads and my 5 figure months come to a halt.
All of which makes me feel like shit! (high-achiever over here!). I don’t want to show up like that at all for myself or my business.
Boundaries and prioritizing yourself is a big component of my coaching program and I experienced firsthand over the last month exactly why it has to be.
This past week I haven’t been around family - we got our own condo and started getting back into our regular routine. And omg the WORLD of difference that has made. I literally said out loud like 10 times this week, "I'm SO happy!" That's how important and impactful prioritizing myself is to me.
We’re eating healthier, we’re more focused, we’re going for more walks, we’re working out more, we’re stretching more, I'm writing more, we're having deeper conversations... And all of that translates right into my business.
I recorded 2 podcasts, cold emailed 3 well-know podcasts and got yes’s from all three to be a guest 🤩, I onboarded 4 new clients and signed up another 🙌, I got 4 new leads, and I created a super exciting group program for 4 amazing women ✨. In ONE WEEK! All because I prioritized myself and what I need. I nurtured my mind, body and soul. And that flowed right back into my work and my energy. And the world can feel it immediately.
So for all of you out there who struggle with prioritizing yourself, I can’t stress enough HOW important this one is. If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, always tired, don’t exercise, etc —> MAKE YOU A PRIORITY NOW.
It is the fastest way to solve all of it. When you honour yourself, your energy completely changes. Your mindset shifts. You’re more patient. You’re more creative. You have more energy. You make better decisions.
So, for me, can you please make it a priority this week to prioritize yourself?
That might look like canceling plans or rescheduling, or asking your wife/husband/partner that you need me time this week. Whatever it looks like for you, ask for it. YOU ARE WORTH IT. And everyone around you will benefit from a more patient, energized, lighter you. So you’re not just doing it for you, it’s for them too.
Let’s make this week a beautiful one. Prioritize you!